

A trip to the market & heirloom tomatoes

‘Wow, look at those beautiful heirloom tomatoes’ I pointed out to R. as we strolled through the sun drenched food market one lazy yet beautiful weekday afternoon.  I immediately plucked the punnet filled with orange, red cherry and purple grape coloured heirloom tomatoes and placed into my almost full basket along with baby zucchini, bunches of asparagus, a beautifully exquisite tin of chestnut puree, a bunch of gorgeously fragrant thyme and a wonderful pale wodge of creamy feta cheese.

Before we’d even had the chance to pay for our gourmet goodies my mind was already at home, pacing through my kitchen plotting various ways to celebrate these wonderful tomatoes.  However my attention quickly returned to the market the moment I spotted a delicious packet of dried figs, yes I’ll have those to I thought.  Thrilled with my purchases I remembered exactly why I adore shopping for food so much, I just love the excitement of planning what to eat once I’ve been newly inspired by what’s on offer at the market.  I find that each and every visit brings with it the discovery of new and wonderful delights to try, an exotic cheese, or a new import of some kind or I have the pleasure of reacquainting myself with old favourites which inspire me more than you could ever know.


Carrot soup and a rainy afternoon

This morning I awoke to a dark, grey and quite grim, cloud filled sky, with no sight of the sun or my beloved summer time heat.  Hmm, what on earth has happened to summer I immediately thought?  She’s completely gone, nowhere in sight.  I reached for my favourite white knitted cardigan and made my way to the coffee machine.  Sipping my morning espresso I looked out at the cloud filled grey sky and suddenly felt grateful for a day filled with drizzly rain, cool breezes and an overcast, sombre, almost autumnal mood.  I immediately opened all of the windows to let the breeze send cool chills through the house and cheerfully embraced the rainy, cloudy weather with an open heart and empty stomach.  My mind then instantly thought of soup.


A sweltering summers day

For the past couple of days a sweltering heat wave has swept over Brisbane bringing with it scorching temperatures and muggy, stagnant, humid air leaving me hot, just a little bothered and craving cool, crunchy, refreshing and rejuvenating summer salads. 

And today this blistering heat has me obsessing over baby fennel, chilled pear sliced paper thin on a mandolin, emerald hued mint, zesty lemon dressings and pink plump figs.  Oh and frozen mango and banana yoghurt, one of the most delicious ways to cool down other than a dip in the ocean.


An island summers day

North Stradbroke Island has been my holiday island escape for as long as I can remember.  As a child each and every Christmas holiday was spent swimming in the crystal blue ocean, fishing for whiting off of the rocks, stumbling up the hill of Cylinder Beach in search of salty hot fish and chips and dawdling along the ocean’s edge collecting shells whilst basking in the hot summer sun.

The smell of watermelon, sunscreen and mango instantly bring me back to my wonderful holiday memories and although we didn’t have the luxury of spending a week on the island this summer, a summer’s day was a delightful consolation.

Straddie is a wonderful escape, with little development the island remains relatively untouched with just enough shops, restaurants, pubs and cafes to suffice the shopping and hunger appetites of enthused tourists and ultra relaxed locals.


A New Year and Apricot, Pistachio & Honey Tea Cakes

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had the pleasure of enjoying a truly relaxing and rejuvenating Christmas holiday!  With a new year brings new hopes, dreams and aspirations.  I have to admit, I truly do love this time of year, I think it’s the childlike amazement and wonder I feel when eagerly anticipating what the new year will bring along with it.  Always an optimist, at the beginning of a New Year, I set my heart and goals towards all of the wonderful things that I wish to come to fruition and I thoroughly enjoy my ritual of sitting down with a cup of tea, my moleskin notepad and jotting down the desires and dreams I wish to pursue during the year.